Validation Results for HL7PTIGPatientVisit

Generated Wed Feb 12 12:45:40 UTC 2025, FHIR version 4.0.1 for (canonical = (history)). See Full QA Report

Quality Checks
Publisher Version:IG Publisher Version: v1.8.12
Publication Code:n/a . PackageId =, Canonical =
Realm Check for n/a:
  • n/a
Language Info:This IG has no language information
Publication Request:
  • This IG has never been published
  • This IG has never been published, so the version should start with '0.' or include a patch version e.g. '-ballot'
  • No publication request found
  • Dependency on hl7.fhir.uv.ips is to the current version - not allowed
Supressed Messages:5 Suppressed Issues
Dependency Checks:
PackageVersionFHIRCanonicalWeb BaseComment
... hl7.terminology.r46.2.0 MR4http://terminology.hl7.org
... hl7.fhir.uv.extensions.r45.2.0 MR4
... hl7.fhir.uv.ipscurrent VR4 be published with a dependency on a current build version
.... hl7.terminology.r46.2.0 MR4http://terminology.hl7.org above
.... hl7.fhir.uv.extensions.r45.1.0 OR4 Release is 5.2.0
Templates: hl7.fhir.affiliate.custom.template#0.0.1 -> hl7.fhir.affiliate.template#current -> fhir.base.template#current. Tools: 0.3.0
Dependent IGs:no references
Global Profiles:(none declared)
Terminology Server(s): (details)
HTA Analysis:no Non-HL7 references found
R5 Dependencies:(none)
Draft Dependencies:
Modifier Extensions:(none)
Previous Version Comparison: Unable to compare with previous version: Unable to find version history at (Problem #1 with package-list.json at Not Found)
IPA Comparison: n/a
IPS Comparison: n/a
Validation Flags: On: autoLoad; Off: hintAboutNonMustSupport, anyExtensionsAllowed, checkAggregation, showReferenceMessages, noExperimentalContent, displayWarnings
Summary: errors = 0, warn = 195, info = 10, broken links = 0.
Build Errors090

n/a Show Validation Information

warningUnable to find ImplementationGuide.definition.resource.description for the resource Bundle/11aaff57-acb7-48b3-9cda-58e5f2e4aa9e. Descriptions are strongly encouraged if they cannot be inferred from the resource to allow proper population of the artifact list.
warningUnable to find ImplementationGuide.definition.resource.description for the resource Bundle/1f5700c1-c342-4695-842e-74de2eb7c25a. Descriptions are strongly encouraged if they cannot be inferred from the resource to allow proper population of the artifact list.
warningUnable to find ImplementationGuide.definition.resource.description for the resource Bundle/a23fdb5b-bcb3-465a-be6d-aba81100669d. Descriptions are strongly encouraged if they cannot be inferred from the resource to allow proper population of the artifact list.
warningUnable to find ImplementationGuide.definition.resource.description for the resource Bundle/c9dcf369-1fae-4ad5-acb2-fb48d9b237e3. Descriptions are strongly encouraged if they cannot be inferred from the resource to allow proper population of the artifact list.
warningUnable to find ImplementationGuide.definition.resource.description for the resource Bundle/c9dcf369-1fae-4ad5-acb2-fb48d9b237e4. Descriptions are strongly encouraged if they cannot be inferred from the resource to allow proper population of the artifact list.
warningUnable to find ImplementationGuide.definition.resource.description for the resource Bundle/c9dcf369-1fae-4ad5-acb2-fb48d9b237e5. Descriptions are strongly encouraged if they cannot be inferred from the resource to allow proper population of the artifact list.
1warningThe HTML fragment 'ip-statements.xhtml' is not included anywhere in the produced implementation guide
2warningAn HTML fragment from the set [cross-version-analysis.xhtml, cross-version-analysis-inline.xhtml] is not included anywhere in the produced implementation guide
4warningThe HTML fragment 'globals-table.xhtml' is not included anywhere in the produced implementation guide

input/examples/adt-a01.json Show Validation Information (13)

Bundle​.entry[2]​.resource​/*Encounter​/f524a427-a1c7-48bc-ad3c-4c30a2207b91*​/​.participant[0]​.type[0]​.coding[0]​.display (l274​/c16)information'attender' is the default display; the code system has no Display Names for the language pt-PT
Bundle​.entry[2]​.resource​/*Encounter​/f524a427-a1c7-48bc-ad3c-4c30a2207b91*​/​.location[0]​.physicalType​.coding[0] (l163​/c14)warningA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
Bundle​.entry[2]​.resource​/*Encounter​/f524a427-a1c7-48bc-ad3c-4c30a2207b91*​/​.location[1]​.physicalType​.coding[0] (l177​/c14)warningA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
Bundle​.entry[2]​.resource​/*Encounter​/f524a427-a1c7-48bc-ad3c-4c30a2207b91*​/​.location[2]​.physicalType​.coding[0] (l191​/c14)warningA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
Bundle​.entry[2]​.resource​/*Encounter​/f524a427-a1c7-48bc-ad3c-4c30a2207b91*​/​.location[3]​.physicalType​.coding[0] (l205​/c14)warningA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
Bundle​.entry[2]​.resource​/*Encounter​/f524a427-a1c7-48bc-ad3c-4c30a2207b91*​/​.location[4]​.physicalType​.coding[0] (l219​/c14)warningA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
Bundle​.entry[2]​.resource​/*Encounter​/f524a427-a1c7-48bc-ad3c-4c30a2207b91*​/​.location[5]​.physicalType​.coding[0] (l233​/c14)warningA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
Bundle​.entry[2]​.resource​/*Encounter​/f524a427-a1c7-48bc-ad3c-4c30a2207b91*​/​.location[6]​.physicalType​.coding[0] (l247​/c14)warningA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
Bundle​.entry[2]​.resource​/*Encounter​/f524a427-a1c7-48bc-ad3c-4c30a2207b91*​/​.location[7]​.physicalType​.coding[0] (l261​/c14)warningA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
Bundle​.entry[4]​.resource​/*Location​/2e3479bd-b4b8-48a4-8701-2a1343a75476*​/​.physicalType​.coding[0] (l384​/c10)warningA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
Bundle​.entry[5]​.resource​/*Location​/fd34e97f-160f-46fe-bdec-f7ef8eb1f7e6*​/​.physicalType​.coding[0] (l432​/c10)warningA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
Bundle​.entry[6]​.resource​/*Location​/b9359ab1-45b1-4de9-994f-1f26eecd5d68*​/​.physicalType​.coding[0] (l480​/c10)warningA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
Bundle​.entry[7]​.resource​/*Location​/a0a2fc9b-36cc-473e-9b57-dda2b92eaabd*​/​.physicalType​.coding[0] (l528​/c10)warningA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
Bundle​.entry[8]​.resource​/*Location​/52a1b3b4-1b3b-4b3b-1b3b-1b3b1b3b1b3b*​/​.physicalType​.coding[0] (l576​/c10)warningA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
Bundle​.entry[9]​.resource​/*Location​/91963b04-b291-45d4-9523-c2a2f3657897*​/​.physicalType​.coding[0] (l624​/c10)warningA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
Bundle​.entry[10]​.resource​/*Location​/993e03f2-b757-4aee-9d1d-45a9dce60c07*​/​.physicalType​.coding[0] (l672​/c10)warningA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
Bundle​.entry[11]​.resource​/*Location​/40919a6b-828c-4636-b24a-b0759c5a4e26*​/​.physicalType​.coding[0] (l720​/c10)warningA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
Bundle.entry[2] (l29/c6)warningEntry '' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the MessageHeader, so its presence should be reviewed (is it needed to process the message?) Bundle_BUNDLE_Entry_Orphan_MESSAGE
Bundle.entry[3] (l114/c6)warningEntry '' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the MessageHeader, so its presence should be reviewed (is it needed to process the message?) Bundle_BUNDLE_Entry_Orphan_MESSAGE
Bundle.entry[4] (l291/c6)warningEntry '' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the MessageHeader, so its presence should be reviewed (is it needed to process the message?) Bundle_BUNDLE_Entry_Orphan_MESSAGE
Bundle.entry[5] (l350/c6)warningEntry '' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the MessageHeader, so its presence should be reviewed (is it needed to process the message?) Bundle_BUNDLE_Entry_Orphan_MESSAGE
Bundle.entry[6] (l398/c6)warningEntry '' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the MessageHeader, so its presence should be reviewed (is it needed to process the message?) Bundle_BUNDLE_Entry_Orphan_MESSAGE
Bundle.entry[7] (l446/c6)warningEntry '' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the MessageHeader, so its presence should be reviewed (is it needed to process the message?) Bundle_BUNDLE_Entry_Orphan_MESSAGE
Bundle.entry[8] (l494/c6)warningEntry '' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the MessageHeader, so its presence should be reviewed (is it needed to process the message?) Bundle_BUNDLE_Entry_Orphan_MESSAGE
Bundle.entry[9] (l542/c6)warningEntry '' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the MessageHeader, so its presence should be reviewed (is it needed to process the message?) Bundle_BUNDLE_Entry_Orphan_MESSAGE
Bundle.entry[10] (l590/c6)warningEntry '' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the MessageHeader, so its presence should be reviewed (is it needed to process the message?) Bundle_BUNDLE_Entry_Orphan_MESSAGE
Bundle.entry[11] (l638/c6)warningEntry '' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the MessageHeader, so its presence should be reviewed (is it needed to process the message?) Bundle_BUNDLE_Entry_Orphan_MESSAGE
Bundle.entry[12] (l686/c6)warningEntry '' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the MessageHeader, so its presence should be reviewed (is it needed to process the message?) Bundle_BUNDLE_Entry_Orphan_MESSAGE

input/examples/adt-a02.json Show Validation Information (14)

Bundle​.entry[3]​.resource​/*Encounter​/4900f155-a658-42de-ad81-62948300b785*​/​.participant[0]​.type[0]​.coding[0]​.display (l333​/c16)information'attender' is the default display; the code system has no Display Names for the language pt-PT
Bundle​.entry[3]​.resource​/*Encounter​/4900f155-a658-42de-ad81-62948300b785*​/​.location[0]​.physicalType​.coding[0] (l222​/c14)warningA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
Bundle​.entry[3]​.resource​/*Encounter​/4900f155-a658-42de-ad81-62948300b785*​/​.location[1]​.physicalType​.coding[0] (l236​/c14)warningA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
Bundle​.entry[3]​.resource​/*Encounter​/4900f155-a658-42de-ad81-62948300b785*​/​.location[2]​.physicalType​.coding[0] (l250​/c14)warningA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
Bundle​.entry[3]​.resource​/*Encounter​/4900f155-a658-42de-ad81-62948300b785*​/​.location[3]​.physicalType​.coding[0] (l264​/c14)warningA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
Bundle​.entry[3]​.resource​/*Encounter​/4900f155-a658-42de-ad81-62948300b785*​/​.location[4]​.physicalType​.coding[0] (l278​/c14)warningA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
Bundle​.entry[3]​.resource​/*Encounter​/4900f155-a658-42de-ad81-62948300b785*​/​.location[5]​.physicalType​.coding[0] (l292​/c14)warningA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
Bundle​.entry[3]​.resource​/*Encounter​/4900f155-a658-42de-ad81-62948300b785*​/​.location[6]​.physicalType​.coding[0] (l306​/c14)warningA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
Bundle​.entry[3]​.resource​/*Encounter​/4900f155-a658-42de-ad81-62948300b785*​/​.location[7]​.physicalType​.coding[0] (l320​/c14)warningA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
Bundle​.entry[5]​.resource​/*Location​/5e6c6cf5-2027-46c7-8efc-d9b54ee322fa*​/​.physicalType​.coding[0] (l443​/c10)warningA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
Bundle​.entry[6]​.resource​/*Location​/cac021b0-d81c-419a-8b9e-120c559a9bfb*​/​.physicalType​.coding[0] (l491​/c10)warningA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
Bundle​.entry[7]​.resource​/*Location​/ce9f9650-be26-4565-b180-320b4447e4a3*​/​.physicalType​.coding[0] (l539​/c10)warningA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
Bundle​.entry[8]​.resource​/*Location​/85b91ac4-3ad0-4866-ad5c-457b74edd35b*​/​.physicalType​.coding[0] (l587​/c10)warningA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
Bundle​.entry[9]​.resource​/*Location​/52a1b3b4-1b3b-4b3b-1b3b-1b3b1b3b1b3b*​/​.physicalType​.coding[0] (l635​/c10)warningA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
Bundle​.entry[10]​.resource​/*Location​/3a514777-dd2f-4f66-bd97-181a6374cdd9*​/​.physicalType​.coding[0] (l683​/c10)warningA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
Bundle​.entry[11]​.resource​/*Location​/7c50ee7f-de5c-4975-86e8-0eb2ceab1fcb*​/​.physicalType​.coding[0] (l731​/c10)warningA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
Bundle​.entry[12]​.resource​/*Location​/e2440c57-bffa-42f2-968e-f5797c80f231*​/​.physicalType​.coding[0] (l779​/c10)warningA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
Bundle.entry[2] (l29/c6)warningEntry '' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the MessageHeader, so its presence should be reviewed (is it needed to process the message?) Bundle_BUNDLE_Entry_Orphan_MESSAGE
Bundle.entry[3] (l114/c6)warningEntry '' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the MessageHeader, so its presence should be reviewed (is it needed to process the message?) Bundle_BUNDLE_Entry_Orphan_MESSAGE
Bundle.entry[4] (l173/c6)warningEntry '' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the MessageHeader, so its presence should be reviewed (is it needed to process the message?) Bundle_BUNDLE_Entry_Orphan_MESSAGE
Bundle.entry[5] (l350/c6)warningEntry '' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the MessageHeader, so its presence should be reviewed (is it needed to process the message?) Bundle_BUNDLE_Entry_Orphan_MESSAGE
Bundle.entry[6] (l409/c6)warningEntry '' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the MessageHeader, so its presence should be reviewed (is it needed to process the message?) Bundle_BUNDLE_Entry_Orphan_MESSAGE
Bundle.entry[7] (l457/c6)warningEntry '' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the MessageHeader, so its presence should be reviewed (is it needed to process the message?) Bundle_BUNDLE_Entry_Orphan_MESSAGE
Bundle.entry[8] (l505/c6)warningEntry '' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the MessageHeader, so its presence should be reviewed (is it needed to process the message?) Bundle_BUNDLE_Entry_Orphan_MESSAGE
Bundle.entry[9] (l553/c6)warningEntry '' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the MessageHeader, so its presence should be reviewed (is it needed to process the message?) Bundle_BUNDLE_Entry_Orphan_MESSAGE
Bundle.entry[10] (l601/c6)warningEntry '' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the MessageHeader, so its presence should be reviewed (is it needed to process the message?) Bundle_BUNDLE_Entry_Orphan_MESSAGE
Bundle.entry[11] (l649/c6)warningEntry '' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the MessageHeader, so its presence should be reviewed (is it needed to process the message?) Bundle_BUNDLE_Entry_Orphan_MESSAGE
Bundle.entry[12] (l697/c6)warningEntry '' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the MessageHeader, so its presence should be reviewed (is it needed to process the message?) Bundle_BUNDLE_Entry_Orphan_MESSAGE
Bundle.entry[13] (l745/c6)warningEntry '' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the MessageHeader, so its presence should be reviewed (is it needed to process the message?) Bundle_BUNDLE_Entry_Orphan_MESSAGE

input/examples/adt-a03.json Show Validation Information (14)

Bundle​.entry[3]​.resource​/*Encounter​/4900f155-a658-42de-ad81-62948300b785*​/​.participant[0]​.type[0]​.coding[0]​.display (l334​/c16)information'attender' is the default display; the code system has no Display Names for the language pt-PT
Bundle​.entry[3]​.resource​/*Encounter​/4900f155-a658-42de-ad81-62948300b785*​/​.location[0]​.physicalType​.coding[0] (l223​/c14)warningA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
Bundle​.entry[3]​.resource​/*Encounter​/4900f155-a658-42de-ad81-62948300b785*​/​.location[1]​.physicalType​.coding[0] (l237​/c14)warningA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
Bundle​.entry[3]​.resource​/*Encounter​/4900f155-a658-42de-ad81-62948300b785*​/​.location[2]​.physicalType​.coding[0] (l251​/c14)warningA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
Bundle​.entry[3]​.resource​/*Encounter​/4900f155-a658-42de-ad81-62948300b785*​/​.location[3]​.physicalType​.coding[0] (l265​/c14)warningA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
Bundle​.entry[3]​.resource​/*Encounter​/4900f155-a658-42de-ad81-62948300b785*​/​.location[4]​.physicalType​.coding[0] (l279​/c14)warningA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
Bundle​.entry[3]​.resource​/*Encounter​/4900f155-a658-42de-ad81-62948300b785*​/​.location[5]​.physicalType​.coding[0] (l293​/c14)warningA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
Bundle​.entry[3]​.resource​/*Encounter​/4900f155-a658-42de-ad81-62948300b785*​/​.location[6]​.physicalType​.coding[0] (l307​/c14)warningA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
Bundle​.entry[3]​.resource​/*Encounter​/4900f155-a658-42de-ad81-62948300b785*​/​.location[7]​.physicalType​.coding[0] (l321​/c14)warningA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
Bundle​.entry[5]​.resource​/*Location​/5e6c6cf5-2027-46c7-8efc-d9b54ee322fa*​/​.physicalType​.coding[0] (l444​/c10)warningA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
Bundle​.entry[6]​.resource​/*Location​/cac021b0-d81c-419a-8b9e-120c559a9bfb*​/​.physicalType​.coding[0] (l492​/c10)warningA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
Bundle​.entry[7]​.resource​/*Location​/ce9f9650-be26-4565-b180-320b4447e4a3*​/​.physicalType​.coding[0] (l540​/c10)warningA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
Bundle​.entry[8]​.resource​/*Location​/85b91ac4-3ad0-4866-ad5c-457b74edd35b*​/​.physicalType​.coding[0] (l588​/c10)warningA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
Bundle​.entry[9]​.resource​/*Location​/52a1b3b4-1b3b-4b3b-1b3b-1b3b1b3b1b3b*​/​.physicalType​.coding[0] (l636​/c10)warningA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
Bundle​.entry[10]​.resource​/*Location​/3a514777-dd2f-4f66-bd97-181a6374cdd9*​/​.physicalType​.coding[0] (l684​/c10)warningA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
Bundle​.entry[11]​.resource​/*Location​/7c50ee7f-de5c-4975-86e8-0eb2ceab1fcb*​/​.physicalType​.coding[0] (l732​/c10)warningA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
Bundle​.entry[12]​.resource​/*Location​/e2440c57-bffa-42f2-968e-f5797c80f231*​/​.physicalType​.coding[0] (l780​/c10)warningA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
Bundle.entry[2] (l29/c6)warningEntry '' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the MessageHeader, so its presence should be reviewed (is it needed to process the message?) Bundle_BUNDLE_Entry_Orphan_MESSAGE
Bundle.entry[3] (l114/c6)warningEntry '' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the MessageHeader, so its presence should be reviewed (is it needed to process the message?) Bundle_BUNDLE_Entry_Orphan_MESSAGE
Bundle.entry[4] (l173/c6)warningEntry '' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the MessageHeader, so its presence should be reviewed (is it needed to process the message?) Bundle_BUNDLE_Entry_Orphan_MESSAGE
Bundle.entry[5] (l351/c6)warningEntry '' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the MessageHeader, so its presence should be reviewed (is it needed to process the message?) Bundle_BUNDLE_Entry_Orphan_MESSAGE
Bundle.entry[6] (l410/c6)warningEntry '' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the MessageHeader, so its presence should be reviewed (is it needed to process the message?) Bundle_BUNDLE_Entry_Orphan_MESSAGE
Bundle.entry[7] (l458/c6)warningEntry '' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the MessageHeader, so its presence should be reviewed (is it needed to process the message?) Bundle_BUNDLE_Entry_Orphan_MESSAGE
Bundle.entry[8] (l506/c6)warningEntry '' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the MessageHeader, so its presence should be reviewed (is it needed to process the message?) Bundle_BUNDLE_Entry_Orphan_MESSAGE
Bundle.entry[9] (l554/c6)warningEntry '' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the MessageHeader, so its presence should be reviewed (is it needed to process the message?) Bundle_BUNDLE_Entry_Orphan_MESSAGE
Bundle.entry[10] (l602/c6)warningEntry '' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the MessageHeader, so its presence should be reviewed (is it needed to process the message?) Bundle_BUNDLE_Entry_Orphan_MESSAGE
Bundle.entry[11] (l650/c6)warningEntry '' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the MessageHeader, so its presence should be reviewed (is it needed to process the message?) Bundle_BUNDLE_Entry_Orphan_MESSAGE
Bundle.entry[12] (l698/c6)warningEntry '' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the MessageHeader, so its presence should be reviewed (is it needed to process the message?) Bundle_BUNDLE_Entry_Orphan_MESSAGE
Bundle.entry[13] (l746/c6)warningEntry '' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the MessageHeader, so its presence should be reviewed (is it needed to process the message?) Bundle_BUNDLE_Entry_Orphan_MESSAGE

input/examples/adt-a04_emer.json Show Validation Information (13)

Bundle​.entry[2]​.resource​/*Encounter​/a2c66149-3c15-41de-9950-c14001a93c91*​/​.participant[0]​.type[0]​.coding[0]​.display (l274​/c16)information'attender' is the default display; the code system has no Display Names for the language pt-PT
Bundle​.entry[2]​.resource​/*Encounter​/a2c66149-3c15-41de-9950-c14001a93c91*​/​.location[0]​.physicalType​.coding[0] (l163​/c14)warningA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
Bundle​.entry[2]​.resource​/*Encounter​/a2c66149-3c15-41de-9950-c14001a93c91*​/​.location[1]​.physicalType​.coding[0] (l177​/c14)warningA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
Bundle​.entry[2]​.resource​/*Encounter​/a2c66149-3c15-41de-9950-c14001a93c91*​/​.location[2]​.physicalType​.coding[0] (l191​/c14)warningA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
Bundle​.entry[2]​.resource​/*Encounter​/a2c66149-3c15-41de-9950-c14001a93c91*​/​.location[3]​.physicalType​.coding[0] (l205​/c14)warningA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
Bundle​.entry[2]​.resource​/*Encounter​/a2c66149-3c15-41de-9950-c14001a93c91*​/​.location[4]​.physicalType​.coding[0] (l219​/c14)warningA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
Bundle​.entry[2]​.resource​/*Encounter​/a2c66149-3c15-41de-9950-c14001a93c91*​/​.location[5]​.physicalType​.coding[0] (l233​/c14)warningA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
Bundle​.entry[2]​.resource​/*Encounter​/a2c66149-3c15-41de-9950-c14001a93c91*​/​.location[6]​.physicalType​.coding[0] (l247​/c14)warningA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
Bundle​.entry[2]​.resource​/*Encounter​/a2c66149-3c15-41de-9950-c14001a93c91*​/​.location[7]​.physicalType​.coding[0] (l261​/c14)warningA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
Bundle​.entry[4]​.resource​/*Location​/34f12e96-982a-4b3d-bff4-e7228b71d27f*​/​.physicalType​.coding[0] (l384​/c10)warningA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
Bundle​.entry[5]​.resource​/*Location​/aa2a08d2-395d-4a03-b262-ca7a1da939d0*​/​.physicalType​.coding[0] (l432​/c10)warningA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
Bundle​.entry[6]​.resource​/*Location​/0927bdcf-fd8b-4ba6-860a-199c339f7262*​/​.physicalType​.coding[0] (l480​/c10)warningA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
Bundle​.entry[7]​.resource​/*Location​/6222160a-18eb-45bd-b240-8acc608f15a0*​/​.physicalType​.coding[0] (l528​/c10)warningA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
Bundle​.entry[8]​.resource​/*Location​/dc3adc82-90ae-4593-acce-9db81f6f090c*​/​.physicalType​.coding[0] (l576​/c10)warningA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
Bundle​.entry[9]​.resource​/*Location​/c9783cbf-9b8b-46fe-b91f-f511bd296975*​/​.physicalType​.coding[0] (l624​/c10)warningA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
Bundle​.entry[10]​.resource​/*Location​/49fe9063-eb62-4a04-b165-ea9fd2e9a217*​/​.physicalType​.coding[0] (l672​/c10)warningA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
Bundle​.entry[11]​.resource​/*Location​/a10c96c9-d781-456a-93e9-543036c8b00e*​/​.physicalType​.coding[0] (l720​/c10)warningA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
Bundle.entry[2] (l29/c6)warningEntry '' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the MessageHeader, so its presence should be reviewed (is it needed to process the message?) Bundle_BUNDLE_Entry_Orphan_MESSAGE
Bundle.entry[3] (l114/c6)warningEntry '' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the MessageHeader, so its presence should be reviewed (is it needed to process the message?) Bundle_BUNDLE_Entry_Orphan_MESSAGE
Bundle.entry[4] (l291/c6)warningEntry '' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the MessageHeader, so its presence should be reviewed (is it needed to process the message?) Bundle_BUNDLE_Entry_Orphan_MESSAGE
Bundle.entry[5] (l350/c6)warningEntry '' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the MessageHeader, so its presence should be reviewed (is it needed to process the message?) Bundle_BUNDLE_Entry_Orphan_MESSAGE
Bundle.entry[6] (l398/c6)warningEntry '' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the MessageHeader, so its presence should be reviewed (is it needed to process the message?) Bundle_BUNDLE_Entry_Orphan_MESSAGE
Bundle.entry[7] (l446/c6)warningEntry '' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the MessageHeader, so its presence should be reviewed (is it needed to process the message?) Bundle_BUNDLE_Entry_Orphan_MESSAGE
Bundle.entry[8] (l494/c6)warningEntry '' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the MessageHeader, so its presence should be reviewed (is it needed to process the message?) Bundle_BUNDLE_Entry_Orphan_MESSAGE
Bundle.entry[9] (l542/c6)warningEntry '' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the MessageHeader, so its presence should be reviewed (is it needed to process the message?) Bundle_BUNDLE_Entry_Orphan_MESSAGE
Bundle.entry[10] (l590/c6)warningEntry '' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the MessageHeader, so its presence should be reviewed (is it needed to process the message?) Bundle_BUNDLE_Entry_Orphan_MESSAGE
Bundle.entry[11] (l638/c6)warningEntry '' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the MessageHeader, so its presence should be reviewed (is it needed to process the message?) Bundle_BUNDLE_Entry_Orphan_MESSAGE
Bundle.entry[12] (l686/c6)warningEntry '' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the MessageHeader, so its presence should be reviewed (is it needed to process the message?) Bundle_BUNDLE_Entry_Orphan_MESSAGE

input/examples/adt-a11.json Show Validation Information (13)

Bundle​.entry[2]​.resource​/*Encounter​/f524a427-a1c7-48bc-ad3c-4c30a2207b91*​/​.participant[0]​.type[0]​.coding[0]​.display (l274​/c16)information'attender' is the default display; the code system has no Display Names for the language pt-PT
Bundle​.entry[2]​.resource​/*Encounter​/f524a427-a1c7-48bc-ad3c-4c30a2207b91*​/​.location[0]​.physicalType​.coding[0] (l163​/c14)warningA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
Bundle​.entry[2]​.resource​/*Encounter​/f524a427-a1c7-48bc-ad3c-4c30a2207b91*​/​.location[1]​.physicalType​.coding[0] (l177​/c14)warningA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
Bundle​.entry[2]​.resource​/*Encounter​/f524a427-a1c7-48bc-ad3c-4c30a2207b91*​/​.location[2]​.physicalType​.coding[0] (l191​/c14)warningA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
Bundle​.entry[2]​.resource​/*Encounter​/f524a427-a1c7-48bc-ad3c-4c30a2207b91*​/​.location[3]​.physicalType​.coding[0] (l205​/c14)warningA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
Bundle​.entry[2]​.resource​/*Encounter​/f524a427-a1c7-48bc-ad3c-4c30a2207b91*​/​.location[4]​.physicalType​.coding[0] (l219​/c14)warningA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
Bundle​.entry[2]​.resource​/*Encounter​/f524a427-a1c7-48bc-ad3c-4c30a2207b91*​/​.location[5]​.physicalType​.coding[0] (l233​/c14)warningA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
Bundle​.entry[2]​.resource​/*Encounter​/f524a427-a1c7-48bc-ad3c-4c30a2207b91*​/​.location[6]​.physicalType​.coding[0] (l247​/c14)warningA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
Bundle​.entry[2]​.resource​/*Encounter​/f524a427-a1c7-48bc-ad3c-4c30a2207b91*​/​.location[7]​.physicalType​.coding[0] (l261​/c14)warningA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
Bundle​.entry[4]​.resource​/*Location​/2e3479bd-b4b8-48a4-8701-2a1343a75476*​/​.physicalType​.coding[0] (l384​/c10)warningA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
Bundle​.entry[5]​.resource​/*Location​/fd34e97f-160f-46fe-bdec-f7ef8eb1f7e6*​/​.physicalType​.coding[0] (l432​/c10)warningA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
Bundle​.entry[6]​.resource​/*Location​/b9359ab1-45b1-4de9-994f-1f26eecd5d68*​/​.physicalType​.coding[0] (l480​/c10)warningA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
Bundle​.entry[7]​.resource​/*Location​/a0a2fc9b-36cc-473e-9b57-dda2b92eaabd*​/​.physicalType​.coding[0] (l528​/c10)warningA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
Bundle​.entry[8]​.resource​/*Location​/52a1b3b4-1b3b-4b3b-1b3b-1b3b1b3b1b3b*​/​.physicalType​.coding[0] (l576​/c10)warningA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
Bundle​.entry[9]​.resource​/*Location​/91963b04-b291-45d4-9523-c2a2f3657897*​/​.physicalType​.coding[0] (l624​/c10)warningA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
Bundle​.entry[10]​.resource​/*Location​/993e03f2-b757-4aee-9d1d-45a9dce60c07*​/​.physicalType​.coding[0] (l672​/c10)warningA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
Bundle​.entry[11]​.resource​/*Location​/40919a6b-828c-4636-b24a-b0759c5a4e26*​/​.physicalType​.coding[0] (l720​/c10)warningA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
Bundle.entry[2] (l29/c6)warningEntry '' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the MessageHeader, so its presence should be reviewed (is it needed to process the message?) Bundle_BUNDLE_Entry_Orphan_MESSAGE
Bundle.entry[3] (l114/c6)warningEntry '' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the MessageHeader, so its presence should be reviewed (is it needed to process the message?) Bundle_BUNDLE_Entry_Orphan_MESSAGE
Bundle.entry[4] (l291/c6)warningEntry '' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the MessageHeader, so its presence should be reviewed (is it needed to process the message?) Bundle_BUNDLE_Entry_Orphan_MESSAGE
Bundle.entry[5] (l350/c6)warningEntry '' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the MessageHeader, so its presence should be reviewed (is it needed to process the message?) Bundle_BUNDLE_Entry_Orphan_MESSAGE
Bundle.entry[6] (l398/c6)warningEntry '' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the MessageHeader, so its presence should be reviewed (is it needed to process the message?) Bundle_BUNDLE_Entry_Orphan_MESSAGE
Bundle.entry[7] (l446/c6)warningEntry '' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the MessageHeader, so its presence should be reviewed (is it needed to process the message?) Bundle_BUNDLE_Entry_Orphan_MESSAGE
Bundle.entry[8] (l494/c6)warningEntry '' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the MessageHeader, so its presence should be reviewed (is it needed to process the message?) Bundle_BUNDLE_Entry_Orphan_MESSAGE
Bundle.entry[9] (l542/c6)warningEntry '' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the MessageHeader, so its presence should be reviewed (is it needed to process the message?) Bundle_BUNDLE_Entry_Orphan_MESSAGE
Bundle.entry[10] (l590/c6)warningEntry '' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the MessageHeader, so its presence should be reviewed (is it needed to process the message?) Bundle_BUNDLE_Entry_Orphan_MESSAGE
Bundle.entry[11] (l638/c6)warningEntry '' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the MessageHeader, so its presence should be reviewed (is it needed to process the message?) Bundle_BUNDLE_Entry_Orphan_MESSAGE
Bundle.entry[12] (l686/c6)warningEntry '' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the MessageHeader, so its presence should be reviewed (is it needed to process the message?) Bundle_BUNDLE_Entry_Orphan_MESSAGE

input/examples/adt-a13.json Show Validation Information (14)

Bundle​.entry[2]​.resource​/*Encounter​/4900f155-a658-42de-ad81-62948300b785*​/​.participant[0]​.type[0]​.coding[0]​.display (l274​/c16)information'attender' is the default display; the code system has no Display Names for the language pt-PT
Bundle​.entry[2]​.resource​/*Encounter​/4900f155-a658-42de-ad81-62948300b785*​/​.location[0]​.physicalType​.coding[0] (l163​/c14)warningA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
Bundle​.entry[2]​.resource​/*Encounter​/4900f155-a658-42de-ad81-62948300b785*​/​.location[1]​.physicalType​.coding[0] (l177​/c14)warningA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
Bundle​.entry[2]​.resource​/*Encounter​/4900f155-a658-42de-ad81-62948300b785*​/​.location[2]​.physicalType​.coding[0] (l191​/c14)warningA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
Bundle​.entry[2]​.resource​/*Encounter​/4900f155-a658-42de-ad81-62948300b785*​/​.location[3]​.physicalType​.coding[0] (l205​/c14)warningA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
Bundle​.entry[2]​.resource​/*Encounter​/4900f155-a658-42de-ad81-62948300b785*​/​.location[4]​.physicalType​.coding[0] (l219​/c14)warningA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
Bundle​.entry[2]​.resource​/*Encounter​/4900f155-a658-42de-ad81-62948300b785*​/​.location[5]​.physicalType​.coding[0] (l233​/c14)warningA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
Bundle​.entry[2]​.resource​/*Encounter​/4900f155-a658-42de-ad81-62948300b785*​/​.location[6]​.physicalType​.coding[0] (l247​/c14)warningA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
Bundle​.entry[2]​.resource​/*Encounter​/4900f155-a658-42de-ad81-62948300b785*​/​.location[7]​.physicalType​.coding[0] (l261​/c14)warningA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
Bundle​.entry[5]​.resource​/*Location​/5e6c6cf5-2027-46c7-8efc-d9b54ee322fa*​/​.physicalType​.coding[0] (l443​/c10)warningA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
Bundle​.entry[6]​.resource​/*Location​/cac021b0-d81c-419a-8b9e-120c559a9bfb*​/​.physicalType​.coding[0] (l491​/c10)warningA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
Bundle​.entry[7]​.resource​/*Location​/ce9f9650-be26-4565-b180-320b4447e4a3*​/​.physicalType​.coding[0] (l539​/c10)warningA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
Bundle​.entry[8]​.resource​/*Location​/85b91ac4-3ad0-4866-ad5c-457b74edd35b*​/​.physicalType​.coding[0] (l587​/c10)warningA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
Bundle​.entry[9]​.resource​/*Location​/52a1b3b4-1b3b-4b3b-1b3b-1b3b1b3b1b3b*​/​.physicalType​.coding[0] (l635​/c10)warningA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
Bundle​.entry[10]​.resource​/*Location​/3a514777-dd2f-4f66-bd97-181a6374cdd9*​/​.physicalType​.coding[0] (l683​/c10)warningA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
Bundle​.entry[11]​.resource​/*Location​/7c50ee7f-de5c-4975-86e8-0eb2ceab1fcb*​/​.physicalType​.coding[0] (l731​/c10)warningA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
Bundle​.entry[12]​.resource​/*Location​/e2440c57-bffa-42f2-968e-f5797c80f231*​/​.physicalType​.coding[0] (l779​/c10)warningA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
Bundle.entry[2] (l29/c6)warningEntry '' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the MessageHeader, so its presence should be reviewed (is it needed to process the message?) Bundle_BUNDLE_Entry_Orphan_MESSAGE
Bundle.entry[3] (l114/c6)warningEntry '' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the MessageHeader, so its presence should be reviewed (is it needed to process the message?) Bundle_BUNDLE_Entry_Orphan_MESSAGE
Bundle.entry[4] (l291/c6)warningEntry '' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the MessageHeader, so its presence should be reviewed (is it needed to process the message?) Bundle_BUNDLE_Entry_Orphan_MESSAGE
Bundle.entry[5] (l350/c6)warningEntry '' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the MessageHeader, so its presence should be reviewed (is it needed to process the message?) Bundle_BUNDLE_Entry_Orphan_MESSAGE
Bundle.entry[6] (l409/c6)warningEntry '' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the MessageHeader, so its presence should be reviewed (is it needed to process the message?) Bundle_BUNDLE_Entry_Orphan_MESSAGE
Bundle.entry[7] (l457/c6)warningEntry '' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the MessageHeader, so its presence should be reviewed (is it needed to process the message?) Bundle_BUNDLE_Entry_Orphan_MESSAGE
Bundle.entry[8] (l505/c6)warningEntry '' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the MessageHeader, so its presence should be reviewed (is it needed to process the message?) Bundle_BUNDLE_Entry_Orphan_MESSAGE
Bundle.entry[9] (l553/c6)warningEntry '' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the MessageHeader, so its presence should be reviewed (is it needed to process the message?) Bundle_BUNDLE_Entry_Orphan_MESSAGE
Bundle.entry[10] (l601/c6)warningEntry '' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the MessageHeader, so its presence should be reviewed (is it needed to process the message?) Bundle_BUNDLE_Entry_Orphan_MESSAGE
Bundle.entry[11] (l649/c6)warningEntry '' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the MessageHeader, so its presence should be reviewed (is it needed to process the message?) Bundle_BUNDLE_Entry_Orphan_MESSAGE
Bundle.entry[12] (l697/c6)warningEntry '' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the MessageHeader, so its presence should be reviewed (is it needed to process the message?) Bundle_BUNDLE_Entry_Orphan_MESSAGE
Bundle.entry[13] (l745/c6)warningEntry '' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the MessageHeader, so its presence should be reviewed (is it needed to process the message?) Bundle_BUNDLE_Entry_Orphan_MESSAGE

input/extensions/Address.json Show Validation Information (1)

StructureDefinition​.where(url = 'https:​/​/hl7​.pt​/fhir​/patient-visit​/StructureDefinition​/Address')warningThe Implementation Guide contains no examples for this extension

input/extensions/BirthPlace.json Show Validation Information (1)

StructureDefinition​.where(url = 'https:​/​/hl7​.pt​/fhir​/patient-visit​/StructureDefinition​/BirthPlace')warningThe Implementation Guide contains no examples for this extension

input/extensions/Death.json Show Validation Information (1)

StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[10]​.type[0]​.extension[1] (l1​/c42078)informationThe extension|5.2.0 is deprecated with the note This was deprecated in favor of using a constraint on the element using FHIRPath, since constraints allow for the provision of a human readable message associated with the regex MSG_DEPENDS_ON_DEPRECATED_NOTE
StructureDefinition​.where(url = 'https:​/​/hl7​.pt​/fhir​/patient-visit​/StructureDefinition​/Death')warningThe Implementation Guide contains no examples for this extension

input/extensions/Nationality.json Show Validation Information (1)

StructureDefinition​.where(url = 'https:​/​/hl7​.pt​/fhir​/patient-visit​/StructureDefinition​/Nationality')warningThe Implementation Guide contains no examples for this extension

input/extensions/NativeLanguage.json Show Validation Information (1)

StructureDefinition​.where(url = 'https:​/​/hl7​.pt​/fhir​/patient-visit​/StructureDefinition​/NativeLanguage')warningThe Implementation Guide contains no examples for this extension

input/extensions/Proficiency.json Show Validation Information (1)

StructureDefinition​.where(url = 'https:​/​/hl7​.pt​/fhir​/patient-visit​/StructureDefinition​/Proficiency')warningThe Implementation Guide contains no examples for this extension

input/profiles/PT_Encounter.json Show Validation Information (1)

StructureDefinition​.differential​.element[81]warningCannot check whether the target profile on Encounter.participant.individual is valid constraint on the base because it is not known
StructureDefinition​.differential​.element[105]warningCannot check whether the target profile on Encounter.reasonReference is valid constraint on the base because it is not known
StructureDefinition​.differential​.element[111]warningCannot check whether the target profile on Encounter.diagnosis.condition is valid constraint on the base because it is not known
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[12]​.binding​.extension[0] (l1​/c469919)informationThe extension|5.2.0 is deprecated MSG_DEPENDS_ON_DEPRECATED
StructureDefinition​.differential​.element[81]​.type[0]​.targetProfile[0]warningUnable to resolve profile SD_ED_TYPE_PROFILE_UNKNOWN
StructureDefinition​.differential​.element[105]​.type[0]​.targetProfile[0]warningUnable to resolve profile SD_ED_TYPE_PROFILE_UNKNOWN
StructureDefinition​.differential​.element[111]​.type[0]​.targetProfile[0]warningUnable to resolve profile SD_ED_TYPE_PROFILE_UNKNOWN
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[134]​.type[0]​.targetProfile[0]warningUnable to resolve profile SD_ED_TYPE_PROFILE_UNKNOWN
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[167]​.type[0]​.targetProfile[0]warningUnable to resolve profile SD_ED_TYPE_PROFILE_UNKNOWN
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[178]​.type[0]​.targetProfile[0]warningUnable to resolve profile SD_ED_TYPE_PROFILE_UNKNOWN
StructureDefinition​.where(url = 'https:​/​/hl7​.pt​/fhir​/patient-visit​/StructureDefinition​/PTEncounter')warningThe Implementation Guide contains no examples for this profile

input/profiles/PT_Location.json Show Validation Information (1)

StructureDefinition​.where(url = 'https:​/​/hl7​.pt​/fhir​/patient-visit​/StructureDefinition​/PTLocation')warningThe Implementation Guide contains no examples for this profile

input/profiles/PT_Organization.json Show Validation Information (1)

StructureDefinition​.where(url = 'https:​/​/hl7​.pt​/fhir​/patient-visit​/StructureDefinition​/PTOrganization')warningThe Implementation Guide contains no examples for this profile

input/profiles/PT_Patient.json Show Validation Information (1)

StructureDefinition​.where(url = 'https:​/​/hl7​.pt​/fhir​/patient-visit​/StructureDefinition​/PTPatient')warningThe Implementation Guide contains no examples for this profile

input/profiles/PT_Practitioner.json Show Validation Information (1)

StructureDefinition​.where(url = 'https:​/​/hl7​.pt​/fhir​/patient-visit​/StructureDefinition​/PTPractitioner')warningThe Implementation Guide contains no examples for this profile

input/profiles/PT_PractitionerRole.json Show Validation Information (1)

StructureDefinition​.differential​.element[41]​.slicing​.discriminator[0] (l1​/c343424)informationThe discriminator type 'pattern' is deprecated in R5+. For future compatibility, you could consider using type=value with a pattern[x] instead (if this is not an inherited slicing) SD_PATH_SLICING_DEPRECATED
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[61]​.slicing​.discriminator[0] (l1​/c253115)informationThe discriminator type 'pattern' is deprecated in R5+. For future compatibility, you could consider using type=value with a pattern[x] instead (if this is not an inherited slicing) SD_PATH_SLICING_DEPRECATED
StructureDefinition​.where(url = 'https:​/​/hl7​.pt​/fhir​/patient-visit​/StructureDefinition​/PTPractitionerRole')warningThe Implementation Guide contains no examples for this profile

Suppressed Messages (Warnings, hints, broken links)

If this was a real IG, there should be examples for these profiles too. But it's not, and I'm lazy...

This is inherited from the base resource

We're expecting these to not match the slice - we're showing how you can use slicing to define the one repetition you want even when many repetitions might be present

Errors sorted by type


input/examples/adt-a01.jsonEntry '' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the MessageHeader, so its presence should be reviewed (is it needed to process the message?)
input/examples/adt-a01.jsonEntry '' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the MessageHeader, so its presence should be reviewed (is it needed to process the message?)
input/examples/adt-a01.jsonEntry '' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the MessageHeader, so its presence should be reviewed (is it needed to process the message?)
input/examples/adt-a01.jsonEntry '' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the MessageHeader, so its presence should be reviewed (is it needed to process the message?)
input/examples/adt-a01.jsonEntry '' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the MessageHeader, so its presence should be reviewed (is it needed to process the message?)
input/examples/adt-a01.jsonEntry '' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the MessageHeader, so its presence should be reviewed (is it needed to process the message?)
input/examples/adt-a01.jsonEntry '' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the MessageHeader, so its presence should be reviewed (is it needed to process the message?)
input/examples/adt-a01.jsonEntry '' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the MessageHeader, so its presence should be reviewed (is it needed to process the message?)
input/examples/adt-a01.jsonEntry '' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the MessageHeader, so its presence should be reviewed (is it needed to process the message?)
input/examples/adt-a01.jsonEntry '' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the MessageHeader, so its presence should be reviewed (is it needed to process the message?)
input/examples/adt-a01.jsonEntry '' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the MessageHeader, so its presence should be reviewed (is it needed to process the message?)
input/examples/adt-a02.jsonEntry '' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the MessageHeader, so its presence should be reviewed (is it needed to process the message?)
input/examples/adt-a02.jsonEntry '' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the MessageHeader, so its presence should be reviewed (is it needed to process the message?)
input/examples/adt-a02.jsonEntry '' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the MessageHeader, so its presence should be reviewed (is it needed to process the message?)
input/examples/adt-a02.jsonEntry '' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the MessageHeader, so its presence should be reviewed (is it needed to process the message?)
input/examples/adt-a02.jsonEntry '' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the MessageHeader, so its presence should be reviewed (is it needed to process the message?)
input/examples/adt-a02.jsonEntry '' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the MessageHeader, so its presence should be reviewed (is it needed to process the message?)
input/examples/adt-a02.jsonEntry '' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the MessageHeader, so its presence should be reviewed (is it needed to process the message?)
input/examples/adt-a02.jsonEntry '' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the MessageHeader, so its presence should be reviewed (is it needed to process the message?)
input/examples/adt-a02.jsonEntry '' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the MessageHeader, so its presence should be reviewed (is it needed to process the message?)
input/examples/adt-a02.jsonEntry '' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the MessageHeader, so its presence should be reviewed (is it needed to process the message?)
input/examples/adt-a02.jsonEntry '' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the MessageHeader, so its presence should be reviewed (is it needed to process the message?)
input/examples/adt-a02.jsonEntry '' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the MessageHeader, so its presence should be reviewed (is it needed to process the message?)
input/examples/adt-a03.jsonEntry '' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the MessageHeader, so its presence should be reviewed (is it needed to process the message?)
input/examples/adt-a03.jsonEntry '' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the MessageHeader, so its presence should be reviewed (is it needed to process the message?)
input/examples/adt-a03.jsonEntry '' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the MessageHeader, so its presence should be reviewed (is it needed to process the message?)
input/examples/adt-a03.jsonEntry '' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the MessageHeader, so its presence should be reviewed (is it needed to process the message?)
input/examples/adt-a03.jsonEntry '' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the MessageHeader, so its presence should be reviewed (is it needed to process the message?)
input/examples/adt-a03.jsonEntry '' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the MessageHeader, so its presence should be reviewed (is it needed to process the message?)
input/examples/adt-a03.jsonEntry '' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the MessageHeader, so its presence should be reviewed (is it needed to process the message?)
input/examples/adt-a03.jsonEntry '' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the MessageHeader, so its presence should be reviewed (is it needed to process the message?)
input/examples/adt-a03.jsonEntry '' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the MessageHeader, so its presence should be reviewed (is it needed to process the message?)
input/examples/adt-a03.jsonEntry '' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the MessageHeader, so its presence should be reviewed (is it needed to process the message?)
input/examples/adt-a03.jsonEntry '' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the MessageHeader, so its presence should be reviewed (is it needed to process the message?)
input/examples/adt-a03.jsonEntry '' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the MessageHeader, so its presence should be reviewed (is it needed to process the message?)
input/examples/adt-a04_emer.jsonEntry '' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the MessageHeader, so its presence should be reviewed (is it needed to process the message?)
input/examples/adt-a04_emer.jsonEntry '' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the MessageHeader, so its presence should be reviewed (is it needed to process the message?)
input/examples/adt-a04_emer.jsonEntry '' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the MessageHeader, so its presence should be reviewed (is it needed to process the message?)
input/examples/adt-a04_emer.jsonEntry '' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the MessageHeader, so its presence should be reviewed (is it needed to process the message?)
input/examples/adt-a04_emer.jsonEntry '' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the MessageHeader, so its presence should be reviewed (is it needed to process the message?)
input/examples/adt-a04_emer.jsonEntry '' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the MessageHeader, so its presence should be reviewed (is it needed to process the message?)
input/examples/adt-a04_emer.jsonEntry '' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the MessageHeader, so its presence should be reviewed (is it needed to process the message?)
input/examples/adt-a04_emer.jsonEntry '' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the MessageHeader, so its presence should be reviewed (is it needed to process the message?)
input/examples/adt-a04_emer.jsonEntry '' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the MessageHeader, so its presence should be reviewed (is it needed to process the message?)
input/examples/adt-a04_emer.jsonEntry '' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the MessageHeader, so its presence should be reviewed (is it needed to process the message?)
input/examples/adt-a04_emer.jsonEntry '' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the MessageHeader, so its presence should be reviewed (is it needed to process the message?)
input/examples/adt-a11.jsonEntry '' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the MessageHeader, so its presence should be reviewed (is it needed to process the message?)
input/examples/adt-a11.jsonEntry '' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the MessageHeader, so its presence should be reviewed (is it needed to process the message?)
input/examples/adt-a11.jsonEntry '' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the MessageHeader, so its presence should be reviewed (is it needed to process the message?)
input/examples/adt-a11.jsonEntry '' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the MessageHeader, so its presence should be reviewed (is it needed to process the message?)
input/examples/adt-a11.jsonEntry '' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the MessageHeader, so its presence should be reviewed (is it needed to process the message?)
input/examples/adt-a11.jsonEntry '' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the MessageHeader, so its presence should be reviewed (is it needed to process the message?)
input/examples/adt-a11.jsonEntry '' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the MessageHeader, so its presence should be reviewed (is it needed to process the message?)
input/examples/adt-a11.jsonEntry '' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the MessageHeader, so its presence should be reviewed (is it needed to process the message?)
input/examples/adt-a11.jsonEntry '' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the MessageHeader, so its presence should be reviewed (is it needed to process the message?)
input/examples/adt-a11.jsonEntry '' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the MessageHeader, so its presence should be reviewed (is it needed to process the message?)
input/examples/adt-a11.jsonEntry '' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the MessageHeader, so its presence should be reviewed (is it needed to process the message?)
input/examples/adt-a13.jsonEntry '' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the MessageHeader, so its presence should be reviewed (is it needed to process the message?)
input/examples/adt-a13.jsonEntry '' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the MessageHeader, so its presence should be reviewed (is it needed to process the message?)
input/examples/adt-a13.jsonEntry '' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the MessageHeader, so its presence should be reviewed (is it needed to process the message?)
input/examples/adt-a13.jsonEntry '' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the MessageHeader, so its presence should be reviewed (is it needed to process the message?)
input/examples/adt-a13.jsonEntry '' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the MessageHeader, so its presence should be reviewed (is it needed to process the message?)
input/examples/adt-a13.jsonEntry '' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the MessageHeader, so its presence should be reviewed (is it needed to process the message?)
input/examples/adt-a13.jsonEntry '' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the MessageHeader, so its presence should be reviewed (is it needed to process the message?)
input/examples/adt-a13.jsonEntry '' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the MessageHeader, so its presence should be reviewed (is it needed to process the message?)
input/examples/adt-a13.jsonEntry '' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the MessageHeader, so its presence should be reviewed (is it needed to process the message?)
input/examples/adt-a13.jsonEntry '' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the MessageHeader, so its presence should be reviewed (is it needed to process the message?)
input/examples/adt-a13.jsonEntry '' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the MessageHeader, so its presence should be reviewed (is it needed to process the message?)
input/examples/adt-a13.jsonEntry '' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the MessageHeader, so its presence should be reviewed (is it needed to process the message?)


input/profiles/PT_Encounter.jsonThe extension|5.2.0 is deprecated


input/extensions/Death.jsonThe extension|5.2.0 is deprecated with the note This was deprecated in favor of using a constraint on the element using FHIRPath, since constraints allow for the provision of a human readable message associated with the regex


input/profiles/PT_Encounter.jsonUnable to resolve profile
input/profiles/PT_Encounter.jsonUnable to resolve profile
input/profiles/PT_Encounter.jsonUnable to resolve profile
input/profiles/PT_Encounter.jsonUnable to resolve profile
input/profiles/PT_Encounter.jsonUnable to resolve profile
input/profiles/PT_Encounter.jsonUnable to resolve profile


input/profiles/PT_PractitionerRole.jsonThe discriminator type 'pattern' is deprecated in R5+. For future compatibility, you could consider using type=value with a pattern[x] instead (if this is not an inherited slicing)
input/profiles/PT_PractitionerRole.jsonThe discriminator type 'pattern' is deprecated in R5+. For future compatibility, you could consider using type=value with a pattern[x] instead (if this is not an inherited slicing)